Customer website of Elitfönster drives profitability

The latest addition among several new digital platforms

Elitfönsters nya kundwebb, mobil och laptop
The leading window manufacturer in Sweden, Elitfönster, has launched their new website. One of the latest additions among several new digital platforms in recent years. The goal was to improve the customer experience and to make it easier to buy windows.

The challenge

The motivation of Elitfönster for investing heavily in digitization was to create a simple and secure process when purchasing windows. Elitfönster has a long collaboration with Consid, which has previously, among other things, developed two generations of customer websites. When it came time to develop a new website, it was therefore obvious for Elitfönster to let Consid do the job.

When Elitfönster modernized its customer portal two years ago, Consid presented a completely new interface that was both clearer and simpler for users. This interface is therefore also included in the new website.

The solution

– “In our preliminary study, the results showed that many people experience the process of buying and installing new windows as complicated. We have also included an inspiration segment that showcases Elitfönster’s products in different homes and environments so that the customer can more easily find their match”, says Emma Kikson, Business Developer at Elitfönster.

The new website is divided into two pages – one for private individuals and one for professionals, making it equally possible for both target groups to receive customized information.

– “Our new website, Elitfönster 2.0, is based entirely on the customer’s experience. The speculator can efficiently find information and inspiration about windows”, says Emma Kikson, Business Developer at Elitfönster.

The digital help tools “Build Your Window” and “Energy Calculator” have also been developed by Consid. This is where retailers and end customers can visualize the window designs and set a price or request for the current window arrangement. The energy calculator sums up savings in energy and money when upgrading to new energy-efficient windows.

– “These efforts and investments result in us and our retailers becoming the safe and steady option for the end consumer during the entire window journey”, says Anna Maria Lingmerth, marketing director at Elitfönster.

The result

– “With the new website, Elitfönster takes back the leadership when it comes to digital solutions and offers end consumers the best conditions to make a well-founded window purchase, says Christian Åhs”, Project Manager at Consid.

As a result, Elitfönster has several platforms and tools to reach and serve its customers and end consumers with an interface that is both modern and adapted for all platforms. The new architecture has also contributed to the fact that more ideas can now be realized.

– “By digitizing our business and our offer, we not only make it easier for our customers and end consumers. We are convinced that this will also help to increase the profitability of Elitfönster”, concludes Anna Maria Lingmerth.

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