
Bilmetro - 74% lower Ad Spend with maintained traffic


Based on the foundation of a well-executed management and technical development project for Bilmetro, Consid were given the opportunity to act as a digital marketing agency to improve the digital marketing workflows.

Improved the digital marketing; 74% lower ad spend – with retained traffic

This case included strategy and execution of search engine optimization, search ads advertising and web analysis and tracking to evaluate and analyse Bilmetro’s marketing efforts.

We began with target group analyses and strategy in Q4 2020. The actual work was then taken over from the previous supplier in January 2021. Bilmetro could see clear results after just 6 months, even though this time-period is usually too narrow to fully evaluate SEO efforts.

The mission

Consid’s main mission was clear – increasing the quality of organic and paid traffic to the site while working closely with the marketing department with analysis and training. This part of the case was broken down into the following areas:

  • Target group analyses via, among other things, Orvesto
  • Qualitative measurements of image and position via panel surveys
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Advertising (Paid Search)
  • Web analysis & conversion optimization
  • Support and “sounding board” around digital marketing and activities

The solution

The delivery was divided into two steps.

Step 1 – Overtaking and reviewing the different components of the assignment

  • Traffic analysis to get a picture of user behaviour (quantitative)
  • Technical SEO analysis and actions in close collaboration with development team
  • Audit of measurement systems, event tracking & data hygiene and implementation
  • Revision and establishment of report views and report structures

Step 2 – Revisioning and optimization of digital marketing work

  • SEO audit for on-page, off-page and keyword analysis
  • Creation of revised search strategy
  • Improvement of campaign structure, ads and ad groups in Google Search ads
  • SEO content work in close dialogue with the customer
  • Off-page strategy for SEO

The result

We measured the effects 6 months later.


  • Overall focus on increasing organic traffic and visitor quality.
  • 37% increase in new users via Organic Search (YoY)
  • 11% increased spend time (YoY)
  • 19% lower organic search bounce rate (YoY)
  • Increased number of pages/session (YoY)


Long-term focus on reducing ad spend over time and drive more organic traffic. SEM focused on converting traffic.

  • Decreased Ad Spend by -74% (YoY)
  • The site’s total traffic volume maintained
  •  Succeeded in converting a large part of the traffic to organic

This is exactly the workflow we requested, gaining insight on how to better our brand.


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