Consid Honored at Dagens Industri’s “Next Level” Event
Consid's CEO, Peter Hellgren, was the main attraction at Tuesday's Gasell Event “Next Level.” He was interviewed on stage for 20 minutes in front of the entire Swedish business elite.

– One part of the secret is that we’ve been able to attract the best individuals over the nearly 25 years the company has existed. We quickly built a strong recruitment organization, which today consists of about a hundred recruiters and HR personnel, says Peter Hellgren.
On Tuesday, Consid was awarded a “Master Gazelle” at the Gasell Next Level event, an accolade given to companies that have shown exceptional growth over a long period. Consid, together with Klarna and Engcon, has been awarded the Gazelle ten times. They received their first in 2014, and are now on track for one in 2024.
– If my calculations are correct, we will soon receive our eleventh Gazelle. It feels fantastic, says Peter Hellgren.
Dagens Industri journalist Linnea Bolter conducted the on-stage interview, and the 20-minute conversation covered a wide range of topics.
– The journey we have made and continue to make with Consid is something extraordinary. It’s not something Henrik Sandell and I foresaw nearly 25 years ago when we registered the company with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. It’s incredible what our fantastic colleagues have accomplished over the years, reflected Peter Hellgren.
Founders Peter Hellgren and Henrik Sandell remain highly active within the company and have witnessed Sweden’s major digital leap up close during the years they have run Consid. With nearly 2,000 employees, around 40 offices, and operations in six countries, Consid now sees confirmation that their strategy of a self-financed company with organic growth works. Consid remains a privately owned limited company, where effective reinvestment of capital has been a key factor in its growth.
– By constantly reinvesting our revenues into the company, we have been able to maintain a high growth rate. On average, Consid’s revenue has increased by 30 percent annually, which is a testament to the success of our self-financing strategy. It has also allowed us to build a strong corporate culture characterized by innovation and long-term planning, which attracts talents who value stability and the opportunity to influence their workplace. Today, we have an annual revenue of 2.6 billion SEK, summarizes Peter Hellgren.
Peter Hellgren also emphasized the importance of creating a strong corporate culture and celebrating success.
– One should never underestimate the importance of celebrating success. Success breeds success and creates culture. Recently, we had an event to celebrate that it was Monday and that there were four days left in the week, laughed Peter Hellgren from the stage, eliciting strong applause from the audience.

Sustainable Growth in Focus as Peter Hellgren Speaks at DI Gasell Next Level