Speicherstadt, Hamburg, Germany


Consid Establishes Presence in the World Heritage-Listed Speicherstadt

Consid, the Swedish IT and communications company, has found its new home in Hamburg. The company’s German branch will be in the historic district of Speicherstadt from 1 September onward.

Lars Napret
Lars Napret, Regional Manager Hamburg.
Patrik Hall
Patrik Hall, CEO Consid GmbH

– The entire quarter exudes history, business, and provides the kind of premises that we, as a company, aspire to inhabit. It’s spectacular yet functional, blending modernity with classic charm. Speicherstadt represents a significant step in the right direction, remarks Patrik Hall, CEO of Consid in Germany.

The announcement was made by Consid in November 2022, outlining their plan to open a new office in the German business hub of Hamburg. This strategic move has already yielded results, with several substantial deals secured alongside well-known multinational corporations. Barely a year after this launch, Consid, along with its 30-strong workforce, is poised to enter its new premises.

– We’re taking over a newly renovated space, which we’ll have the opportunity to tailor to our needs. We’ll essentially be able to move right in. Initially, we’ve designed the layout for 22 workstations, but we’ve factored in room for expansion, states Lars Napret, Regional Manager for Consid in Hamburg.

Consid will be situated at St. Annenufer 5, right within Speicherstadt – the world’s largest historic warehouse complex. This sizable brick building is intended to accommodate the company’s requirements both presently and for the years to come. Positioned midway between the city center and the renowned port, it serves as a bridge between Hamburg’s economic history, its present, and its future. Both Lars Napret and Patrik Hall assert that this setting aligns perfectly with Consid’s identity.

– When we launched our operations in Germany, we set an ambitious goal with 75 employees in three offices by the end of 2024, with Hamburg being the flagship office. These are goals we will achieve, partially thanks to this office. We’ve witnessed in Sweden how our offices serve as a selling point for new hires, and in some cases, they’re pivotal in choosing Consid. Our offices carry a distinct atmosphere. We intend to cultivate the same welcoming ambiance here, infused with our unique touch, Patrik Hall explains.

The UNESCO World Heritage Site will give Consid the springboard into the next chapter of the company’s German voyage. CEO, and founder, Peter Hellgren sees a big opportunity in the near future for the German branch.

– For us, it’s particularly fitting to have a hub for our German operations in a location with such a rich history. Simultaneously, Speicherstadt’s brick edifices offer a striking contrast to the modern steel and glass skyscrapers of contemporary Hamburg, remarks Peter Hellgren, CEO, and founder of Consid.

Swedish IT Company Makes Waves with Successful Expansion into Hamburg 

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Speicherstadt, Hamburg, Germany


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