Consid is Expanding in Gävle and Gaining Attention in the Media
The IT company Consid's office in Gävle has experienced significant growth in recent years. In 2022, there were only a handful of employees on site - now there are about thirty. Now, office manager Therese Murdock wants to take further steps, she tells Gefle Dagblad.

– We expect a 30 percent growth this year, which corresponds to about ten employees, says Therese Murdock to the local newspaper Gefle dagblad.
The rocket-like development from 2022 to now has made Consid outgrow the original premises. Therefore, at the beginning of April, another floor of Consid will be inaugurated in one of Gävle’s most classic buildings, Gevaliapalatset.
When Gefle Dagblad published an article about Consid last Saturday, the journey from 2022 to today was in focus. The office opened in 2019, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic – which posed some challenges.
– It didn’t turn out to be the expansion we had expected. But over the past two years, we have made a fresh start and invested heavily in Gävle, says Therese Murdock.
Despite this, Consid was successful during the first years and built up a company that could compete with the largest IT companies in Gävle. An important factor was the mix of local and national companies, another – explains Therese Murdock – is the broad competence base.
– We don’t have a niche. What sets us apart from competitors is that we can offer a broad portfolio of services within digital transformation. In addition to system development, it can involve design, communication, and content, she says, noting that there is great potential in Gävle.
Currently, there are about 30 employees, and the plan is to exceed 40 by the end of the year. The addition of another floor gives Consid an additional 110 square meters, something that, according to Therese Murdock, will likely need to be expanded in the not too distant future.
– If we continue to grow as planned, that space will be sufficient for 1.5 years. Then we will be ready to expand the premises again.
