
Debate: Companies need to do more for Ukraine

Olof Odier, office manager for Consid, writes in Trelleborgs Allehanda about how companies must step in and support Ukraine. Consid made the early decision to provide both financial aid to those affected and also offered refugees from the war the opportunity to move to Sweden with their families and work for the company.

More than a year after Russia’s unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine, the fighting continues. The war in Ukraine has led to serious human rights violations such as the right to life, freedom, and justice. The war has also created instability and uncertainty around the world and has caused a humanitarian crisis. Millions of people suffer from a lack of food, water, and medical care. The war threatens democracy and the rule of law with restrictions on freedom of speech and political opposition.

At the beginning of the war, there was a tremendous amount of engagement for Ukraine in Sweden. Now, interest has waned and the money flow is beginning to ebb.

In Skåne, we saw a lot of initiatives – many from groups that had not previously been involved in the situation of refugees. Private individuals donated money like never before to various fundraising campaigns, and companies competed to some extent against each other in giving generous financial contributions.

Sweden has expanded its humanitarian and military support to Ukraine in several rounds, providing financial support, civil crisis management, and support for Ukraine’s reconstruction.

But that’s not enough.

The needs in Ukraine are much greater than what governments, the international community, and aid organizations can meet. Even companies must step in and support the country.

Read the full opinion article here.

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