Consid Honoured Again – Named Employer Branding Company of the Year
Every year, (Karriärföretagen) Career Companies awards outstanding achievements in categories like Career Company of the Year, HR Manager, Social Media, and Employer Branding. At the gala event on Wednesday, Consid proudly clinched first place in both Employer Branding Company of the Year and Career Company.

CEO and co-founder, Peter Hellgren, expressed his pride, stating:
– We’re incredibly proud of these nominations and awards. When we started Consid, our goal was to build the company we’ve always wanted to work for, and that clients want to work with. This vision still drives our entire operation and plays a significant role in our Employer Branding efforts.
IT and communications firm Consid received multiple nominations at Career Day. As the awards were presented at Berns Salonger on Wednesday evening, Peter Hellgren took the stage in front of an audience of over 400 to accept Consid’s ninth Career Company award and the title of Employer Branding Company of the Year.
The jury’s rationale is as follows:
“This employer has consistently and thoroughly embedded employer branding in its culture, which is clearly reflected in increased awareness and attractiveness. Exemplary work with measurable successes. Therefore, the award for Employer Branding Company of the Year is presented to Consid in the IT category.”
– These awards represent a lot of hard work. For us, there’s no intrinsic value in having them – the work behind them must serve a purpose. I’ve said it before, and I’ll gladly say it again: our employees are our most valuable asset. If we take care of them properly, it will yield results – both tonight and on the bottom line, emphasized Peter Hellgren.
Consid also received a nomination in another category. Joakim Andersson, Head of Digital Marketing, was among the nominees for the award of Employer Branding Role Model.
– Just receiving a nomination is an honor. Many deserve credit – from our HR and recruitment team doing an outstanding job, to the development team providing us with the right tools on the web, and the marketing team tirelessly refining our Employer Branding. The nomination itself feels like a victory, says Joakim Andersson.

Consid's Head of Digital Marketing nominated for Employer Branding Role Model of the Year

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