
Rosa Laptop, Leveriq webbplats
When Kontorsutrustning contacted us for help, the mission was to build their new website, but after the initial meeting it was clear that the need was bigger than that. Read more below!
Douglas Lindevall Communication Consid

Douglas Lindevall

Manager Communication


+46 70-977 10 03


When we talked to Kontorsutrustning about the core values, positioning and the graphic profile, we felt that we needed to start from scratch and set a new platform for the brand. Kontorsutrustning became Leveriq.


The goal was to build a profile that reflects their offer; they are stable and knowledgeable. The name change and the new graphic profile would communicate Leveriq and its offering, but would also be a toolbox for all communication that Leveriq itself produces.


An important part of the profile is the image manner, so the graphic pattern being used has become a hallmark of Leveriq. Below you can find out about Leveriq’s new profile our business area Communication has developed. Are you interested in what our business area has to offer? Read more here .

About Leveriq

Leveriq works with audio and video systems etc.

leveriq ikoner
Leveriq ny hemsida av ConsidTexten, smidigare och smartare, och blå saker, leveriqleveriq ikonerText, Lösningar för nya upplevelser, och orangea saker, leveriqText, full koll på den digitala miljön, och gammal dator, leveriq
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