Green Cargo

Green Cargo nytt intranät av Consid
A new intranet where efficiency, participation and dialogue are in focus. Check out the result of our project for Green Cargo below!


At the start of the project we set an important goal; to simplify employees’ everyday lives with the help of a new intranet. The big challenge was getting the production staff set and making sure that the intranet’s functions would benefit them. This way, the staff doesn’t have to carry heavy binders in their bags to work. Everything had to be just a push on a button away, on a phone or on a tablet. Since 80 percent of Green Cargo’s employees do not have a permanent office space, the mobile aspect of the project was extremely important.


The mission was to create a communication hub where you gather everything in one place through an accessible intranet for all employees. They also wanted to create a natural connection to the other systems. We assisted in creating the overall structure and functionality of the graphic design, but built the new intranet in Sitevision together with Green Cargo.


The solution we delivered to Green Cargo had a great focus on mobility. Large parts of their employees use mobile units as their primary unit when visiting the intranet. Therefore, it was important that we thought about these users in the first place. Since many of Green Cargo’s employees can be in places with poor reception, we looked at how we could optimise both design and code to significantly reduce charging times. The home page and the intranet’s header are based on personalization, so that employees easily can access the tools or information they are looking for.


The new platform offers opportunities for social groups. Instead of using e-mail, employees have started communicating with each other in different groups and are now sharing documents and different events quickly and easily in one place. Veronica Svahlin, Communicator at Green Cargo, comments the work and the positive result:

– We have had the privilege of working with an extremely competent team who has been responsive, committed and solution focused. We have talked about many different scenarios in order for us to achieve a good result and we are very satisfied with the end product.

Veronica continues:

– An important success factor, perhaps the most important, is that we set aside time for practical work and review of the new system together with the team at Consid. To be able to see the structure and how it would work in the long run, was comforting.

With the new platform, Green Cargo can now develop and integrate other solutions on the intranet to create an even better tool in the future.

– It has been an exciting project and we are very pleased with the collaboration, Alexander J Gustafsson, Solution Architect at Consid says.

About Green Cargo

Green Cargo is a Swedish logistics transport company owned by the Swedish state. With 1900 employees, 360 locomotives and 5000 wagons, Green Cargo contributes to the national environmental goals. Their transports are operated with low energy consumption or renewable energy. 94 percent is operated by electric train. Green Cargo transports both raw materials and processed products to industries both in Scandinavia and Europe.

Green Cargos nya intranät utvecklat av Consid AB

We have had the privilege of working with an extremely competent team.

Veronica Svahlin, Green Cargo

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