Consid Launches Danish Website: “A Step in the Right Direction”

The Swedish IT company Consid launched its operations in Denmark in the autumn of 2022. Since then, the company has established a foothold in the Danish market and takes the next step with the launch of a Danish webpage.
– With the page, we really feel that we solidify the establishment in Denmark. There has been a demand for it both internally and from customers, so consid.dk is really a step in the right direction for us right now, says Michael Lund-Andersen, CEO of Consid Denmark.
The Consid Copenhagen office on H.C. Andersens Boulevard now houses 38 employees. As earlier stated, there are plans for further expansion in Denmark with offices in Jutland as well.
After months of work and a hefty bit of translating, Consid was able to launch the new webpage for the Danish department last week.
– It has all the features of the Swedish and English ones, same patterns, and services. Having a Danish website allows us to operate in the same way as we do in Sweden; we can organize webinars, publish news, and reach out to customers in a natural way, says Victoria Celik, Digital Marketer.
Recently, Consid launched the Gender Equality platform Q by Consid highlighting the gender-related challenges within the IT business.
– Now, we can offer the same services in Denmark as we do in Sweden; it makes Consid Denmark more of a company on its own rather than a Danish branch, Michael Lund-Andersen concludes.