Meet Peter Hellgren

Meet the CEO of Consid - Peter Hellgren.

Peter Hellgren, CEO Consid

For a better tomorrow

Today’s development, with shorter product life cycles, increased focus on innovation, new business models, and an accelerating influx of services, is moving the tech industry forward at an unprecedented rate. Consid is standing at the forefront, paving the way for a more digitalised world. Through our broad expertise and growth in a large number of industries, technologies, platforms, and business areas we are able to see the big picture. As your reliable partner, we want to increase people’s commitment, create impact, seize the digital opportunities, and make a difference.

Join us on our journey, where everything is possible.

Peter Hellgren

peter hellgren

We want to lay the foundation for a more digitalised world.

Peter Hellgren, CEO Consid

Learn more about Consid

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